Musicians Tip Jar

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Power of Community

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There is a community in every area of our existence. It can stem from family history, location, interests, belief or ambition. Community is the center of every successful civilization and movement in human history. It’s in every city, town and village from Iceland to Italy and in every successful festival, band and genre of music. T

0:00:00.9 S1: I walk in to the show that explores the methods and strategies on rock and the financial side of your music business with over 40 years combined experience. Here are your host, Chris Webb and Dave Camp. Can welcome to musicians to care. We talk about positions and money, we believe by banding together as a community, individuals are more capable to rise to their greatest tight. Time, your host, Chris Webb, joined by my co-host and the leader of the band, Dave Taman. Thanks for having me, Chris webby. This is episode 14. I can't believe you asked me back 14 times is my pleasure.

0:00:43.3 S2: There is a community in every area of our existence, it can stem from family, history, location, interest, belief or ambition, community is the center of every successful civilization and movement in human history. It's in every city, town and village from Iceland, Italy, and in every successful festival band and genre of music. Today, we are going to break down the power of community so you can harness it in your efforts to spread your Italo house music or whatever your vibe is in the world and bring in the dinara narrow at... We'll bring it all together, right after this

0:01:25.6 S1: In 2005, but Hendricks and began working on an amplifier to fill what he saw as a void in the marketplace for a guitar amplifier designed to meet the needs of jazz guitar players who wanted a extremely high quality sound and a portable package, Henriksen amplifiers designs and manufactures high quality analog musical instrument amplifiers in Arvada, Colorado, with the 100% customer SAT is faction guarantee you really won't believe the tone coming from either your electric or acoustic guitar and string instrument with a pick-up for that matter not to mention the volume, these beautifully made compact lightweight amps are capable of cleanly producing... I have one, I love it, it's the best amp that I have played in the last 20 years for what I need with the versatility to cover almost any kind of... This is a must have piece of gear for the working musician. Learn more at healers dot com and enter M-T-J-10 for 10% off your purchase. Welcome back to musicians tip jar everybody. This week's non-profit is backline. After several tragedies struck, the music industry in 2019, dozens of music professionals got together to start backline, industry-wide Mental Health Initiative, the organization connects artists, position professionals and their families with mental health and wellness resources.

0:02:43.5 S1: Backline partners with a number of health and wellness organizations, including Sweet Relief musicians fund, Sims Foundation and entertainment Health Services, just an IFE. The collective is supported by some Wilno names in the music industry, including circles around the sun on Freeman, G, cloud nine adventures, head count and more. See how you can help backline out backline care.

0:03:06.2 S2: Not care. Since we're talking about community this week, the quotes really focused on how being in a community rises all of the community, the quote is by Robert Ingersoll, we rise by lifting others. Simple and sweet.

0:03:22.9 S1: Yeah, that's your shortest quote yet, don't get used to it.

0:03:27.5 S2: Make sure you rate and subscribe to this podcast, leave us to comment and go to our website to sign up for our free weekly newsletter, but we'll deep dive into the weekly topics, even further connect you to other related articles and provide you with helpful resources for your music, business, a community can make hard times tolerable and prosperous times more valuable to more people, power of influence. How can you help focus and motivate yourself and your peers, you know.

0:03:58.9 S1: One thing I do weekly is checking with musician friends, talk about projects we have going, and even just practice rituals, did you get your time in this week?

0:04:09.6 S2: Yeah, I think of the power of influence is being both verbal and non-verbal, when you see all these people around you that are working so hard, you find yourself wanting to work hard, you step it up, right, and when they're making good decisions, you tend to walk back off the ledge yourself, because you can see the outcome coming from those get decisions, and it's easier for you to make the right choice to...

0:04:40.6 S1: How about those friends that talk you towards the lurch.

0:04:44.1 S2: You are the result of five people that you spend the most time with, so they're the ones talking to... Closer to that ledge, it's time to switch it up, but

0:04:53.2 S1: You know those friends too, that are positive or negative, what do you talk about? Are you bringing people up here you bringing people down, are you putting yourself up or down some friends, and maybe even me personally, talk negative about myself, and you need those friends to turn that around, you don't need those friends that agree with you, we get negatively impact so there's a great book called The 10 distinctions between millionaires and the middle class by Keith Cameron Smith.

0:05:24.2 S2: And in that book, one of the things he says is that millionaires talk about ideas into class, talks about other people.

0:05:35.4 S1: And I think that's a very powerful thing when you kind of think about what you do in your social settings, which one is it that you're doing now, you even mentioned one of the Power of Influence, it's a good reason for a coach, but I think even outside of a coach. Someone in your corner is good to have in your life, and I think that book that... In that book, do they talk about how millionaires drive station Al Ain is in... Familiar to you. No, it's just that they don't spend the money on the things that they appreciate quickly, like they don't mean a fancy car to drive around... That's why they have millions. Yeah.

0:06:13.6 S2: Right. They put their money in assets... Yeah.

0:06:16.2 S1: Not where they're asked rests. It just happened around... And just to do that, that's not in the book. I just... They even make station lions anymore.

0:06:25.1 S2: Well, I think Super. Who does the Outback? Is that count? Yeah.

0:06:31.0 S1: But you're not sitting backwards, they don't have the chairs that like You get caricature

0:06:35.0 S2: By... Sure, that's illegal. Now, right? The way, way back.

0:06:38.3 S1: I have no idea. Isn't that a band? In the way, way back. It should be, if it is back on topic.

0:06:43.8 S2: You are the result of the five people that you spend the most time with, so make sure you choose them carefully. This is what I tell my kids as well as myself, because I do see the results, I do see the results because I look and look at the last decade of my life versus previous decades, and I can see how much more I've grown being surround advice. Inspiring people, people that slightly intimidate me sometimes with their talent, people that are always moving themself forward with big goals, big dreams, and they are not afraid to say those big dreams, and that inspires me and that makes me work harder, and I really recognize that now, looking over the last decade. And with that, you also can make a choice to show up for those other five people in your life, to be someone who inspires your friends and stays positive, so you have to show up to your friendships as a positive force in their life as well, and be the support that they need, and you likely will make the average of those five people that you spend the most time with is... This is one of the things it's kind of hard to swallow because it feels a little rude, right.

0:07:55.6 S2: But again, this is part of what this podcast is about, is how money shouldn't feel dirty or rude, these are not things that are meant to insult anyone, this is just statistics really right here, it's probably true, if you stop and think of the five people that you spend the most time with, if you can kinda guess what their average income is, and then you're probably somewhere in the middle of those five.

0:08:19.0 S1: So statically, if I've been here 14 episodes, there's a good chance that I'm gonna be here next week. That's what you're saying. You're hosting. Rapid on down. You're not going anyway, I need you. It was great all the way up to the fourth episode when you brought up the five people you spend the most time with. That was the last time I heard from home.

0:08:39.5 S2: And so this kind of leads us target community etiquette. When you are with those people that you care about, the people that influence you and the people that you want to be inspired by, there is an etiquette that keeps everybody feeling good, changing the mindset that this is a competition. We always say at the end of our podcast, there is already enough for everyone, the Applies here, you can't live in a society where everyone's trying to take things from each other, it just won't work. So the idea that there's a competition for business in the music world, it just isn't reality, it's just simply not how it works, so instead, you need to inspire each other, you need to motivate each other, you need to share contacts, you need to push each other to do those things that make us nervous. Right, those are the ways that we all grow forward, the dues and donuts. The only reason that I wrote down Donuts is because it auto-corrected my don't into donuts, and I just said, Oh, I'm just gonna leave that at Excel, but there are dues and Don such as... Don't do it. Yeah, such as ad would be, make sure that your band mates have everything they need to be able to perform at their top level, I don't would be...

0:10:02.3 S2: Don't forget to pay them at the end of the night and don't make it sketchy...

0:10:08.2 S1: Yeah, to go back to last week. If you made an agreement with your friends and whoever is paying you didn't show up to that agreement and you didn't get paid as much, you still own the relationship in the agreement that you made with your band means take care of them.

0:10:25.0 S2: I had a guy, Mike, that sat in with me and a couple of gigs, he was just way beyond talent, especially for where I was at at the time, but he was gracious and kind and he'd come play shows with me, and... I was a college kid at the time. No, I don't really have an excuse, but I didn't pay him after one of our shows, and I never heard from him again. That was the end of it, and I to this day, don't understand why I let that happen, I just was totally silly, and you know, back then, it was like 50 bucks, like, why would I ruin a great friendship with such a talent when it really was just... A dude, it was a donut on my end.

0:11:12.6 S1: I made the same mistake, I was 21, and I was playing with my friend Jason, a violinist, and the bar didn't give me the money that said they would, and I came outside to pay Jason... I'm like, here's three-fourths of what I owe you. He's like, I'm sorry, man, we had an agreement, and at the time, I took it offensively like We're a team, we went into this together and we got screwed together, but he was handling his business the way he should have, and that's probably what I should have done. With the borrower, and I remember going home and talking to my dad about it. And he's like, Do you think he's a graphic artist, I sign up for the salary or whatever I'm gonna get for this driving at the end of the line, Oswego N. Just pay you less. He's like, No, you made a commitment. Take care of your friend. And I'm glad I learned that at a young age, 'cause it's never changed since then. Here's another donut, you can get comfortable, I think sometimes, and maybe split things and not have those conversations where someone is expecting a certain amount of money and you didn't give them the money that they were expecting, but how would you have known if you didn't have that conversation beforehand.

0:12:27.1 S1: So I think it's always good to check in with your team and say, You know, this is what this gig pays, or This is how we're gonna handle it, because sometimes you can get comfortable, and I think without discussing that, you could lose some friendships over it.

0:12:41.1 S2: And that's also where this podcast really is inspired by the core fact that we feel uncomfortable talking about money, but if you don't establish exactly what everyone's expectations are prior to an event that you're all playing together, or a record that you're making, or a music video that you're putting together, and your base player is the one doing all the editing work, and if all of that isn't talked about ahead of time and everyone understands the financial side of this plan, it's going to lead to a lot of headache and a lot of donuts, and sometimes I think it might not even be about the money, but there is a value that's attributed to that money for certain situations, and without that money being where someone expected it to be, it can be a lack of respect, which could... You know, sometimes it's just not that you didn't mean to go that direction, but because you didn't discuss it, you might be disrespecting someone's value without even knowing you're doing it, so I think acknowledging that value is always important. And so if you find that you're in a group that is doing that to you, or some of them are, and if the group that you're with is causing you grief, don't try to change them, you need to start your own...

0:14:04.5 S2: Move on it because it's just not gonna work out for you. To try over and over again with the same people that aren't treating you the way that a professional should be traded...

0:14:14.9 S1: Agreed, I think you state that first and try to come to terms where we both agree to, but if you're making the things take over and over again, like what it was the quote last week, to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results is insane.

0:14:32.4 S2: Then you really have yourself to blame, and because you are the result of those five people that you're around, guess what they're gonna be influencing you in your behavior too, it just turns around in a bad way too, so by being good to the others around you, it brings good things back to you, make time to help the others and be that support for the other people that you also want in your community. Sentinel, it's very powerful. Sometimes it actually takes a little conscious efforts, share opportunities with others, share your knowledge with others, share your ideas with others, your resources, your tools, even your equipment, those things are not going to hold you back by being kind to others, what you're really doing is sharing the love.

0:15:17.3 S1: My friend, Mike and I were booking the walnut room in Denver, and it would be so easy to tell a band that was coming through, sorry, that data's booked, we can't help you. But Mike and I made a list of contacts for other venues that might be open that date, and we wanna see them successful, we want them to remember when they come back through... You might have a date. So here's four other venues that are in Denver, and their contact Reach out to Frank, tell them, we sent you... You can do that with the gigs, your friends coming to town, here, here's my contact list, go to town, and those friends can easily become this core group that will refer to as the Mastermind. The mastermind groups work in so many levels. In his book, Thinking Grow Rich.

0:16:09.6 S2: Napoleon Hill described the mastermind principle as the coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work toward a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony, no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mine.

0:16:33.0 S1: I knew you weren't gonna be able to get through that with the only one quote in the beginning.

0:16:37.1 S2: And now I'm interrupting, he continues on to say, of one fact, I am absolutely sure when you form a true mastermind alliance with others and work with them in the spirit of perfect harmony, you can draw freely upon the spiritual forces within you in carrying out your plans and desires. I also know that the mastermind principal can give you absolute protection against failure, provided that your purpose in using this principle is beneficial to all who you influence, that book blew my mind, by the way, that's one of those books that I try to go over once a year. It's a old language, so it's kind of written, it's 'cause it's a very old book, but it's a pretty incredible book when it comes to those fundamentals of the mindset...

0:17:24.2 S1: Well, I'm gonna throw that up in the book club, now that we have that on the website, all the books that we talk about, and then we also have a little form at the bottom for anyone listening that has other books that they would like to recommend, please let us know, we'll post them to... And in addition to that, I'd like to let everyone know see how short that first quote was, and then Chris just came back and falls it out with the longest quote in the history of musician. Stephane book is like 600 pages long. I just gave you a very... Just game, it's 500 of them.

0:17:58.3 S2: We opportunities can't go to you if you're not there to take them, to make sure that you're putting yourself into situations with your community that allows others to offer them to you, make yourself available.

0:18:11.5 S1: You know, when you get your new car and you see that car... Let me specify New as just new to you, you have a new car, and now you see that car on the road all the time... I definitely have that happen. I was listening to your bad asset making money the other day, 'cause we talked about that last week. And she said that you have to keep your eyes open for those opportunities, just like something that you've been researching for, a new car or a new instrument or something that once you open your mind to those opportunities, you'll start taking them more and more, and the right in front of your face, but you just have a new mindset to take advantage of those and staying with the motivated crowd will keep that all present in your face, in your face.

0:19:02.7 S2: And avoid burnout. That's another thing the community does, I just talked about that with our meeting with their whole team this morning about our podcast business, about this... It's about musicians tip chart. We had our meeting this morning with the whole team, and sometimes you feel a little burned out when you're doing so much, and what will we get together, the team, which is in our effect to our mastermind, I feel so pumped afterwards and I go and get everything just rolling, because I'm so excited after talking to everybody else, that helps me avoid the burnout, so find the people that you need to make that happen for you. But a community can be referred to as a scene as well in the music industry, and we'll find ourselves hanging out with the type of crowd that fits our style, our sound, our belief is what our missions are as artist in the Gran scene, we often saw planters slashers. Yeah, that is true though, you dressed kind of similar because the brand becomes identifiable, but the sound becomes viable and you get bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, and the concept of rising, we rise by lifting others up is shown when you look at the scenes in different parts of music history where different communities of artists gathered together and all benefited from that community, such as the West Coast Gracie clinician shirts, and although the bands all were incredibly unique, they all became known for the same movement.

0:20:54.0 S2: We saw some of that example here in Denver, we've seen it a few times being here so long over the years, but I think to the fan and the night sweats and how they kind of were coming around around the luminaries time, lumens were a little before that, but they were coming out of the same spotlight that was being given to the city in that kind of scene, and they benefited from each other's exposure...

0:21:22.4 S1: I don't know Dan personally. Did you see his Saturday day live day? Two weeks ago, no, whoever was running sound in the first 30 seconds of that said, should be fired, he was singing and you couldn't even hear it, and that was screaming at the television levels levels. But after that, he was fantastic.

0:21:46.0 S2: Here's three takeaways that we want to help you apply to making your community the most powerful mastermind, first, find or list three to five other local bands, artists that fit well in your ideal community. Number two, check in with someone in the community and start a mini mastermind, start a group that you could talk about your goals and lift each other up a weekly, 20 minutes on the phone. We don't have to meet up every week, but you just need to connect every week, the third, do one thing to be involved with your community this week, support someone, show, start a group in person or via social media, invite others, promote someone else's show, or their new release do something to boost up your community, what are some great ways for others to boost up this community? Well, we know your time is valuable and we appreciate you spending that time with us, if you would quickly go and rate and subscribe to our Podcast, Sign up for our newsletter, and what's the best way to contact us as they'd like to... Dave, you can check us out at musicians tip, chart dot com, or send us an email at musicians to a Gmail.

0:23:08.0 S2: And as always, thank you for joining us. Remember, there's already enough for everyone, you just need to know how to get it until next time, on behalf of Dave tampon and myself, Chris web, please stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of each other.

0:23:22.8 S1: I'll leave you with the words of JFK, rising tides lift all boats. Let's write this one together, This is musicians Tihar ate. Nothing on this show should be considered specific personal or professional advice, please consult an appropriate tax, legal business or financial professional for individualized advice, individual results are not guaranteed, and all decorate IES have the potential for property laws, the hose that are operating on behalf of musicians tip jar LLC exclusively. So do you think is the same, the same name that may fit... Do you think you... With secret Othello. Something esale. I campeonato the said The way down on my shoulders, and each day I am the COO, you think the one was tried to say those tasers, something tells me to fallen. So in a testing has MeToo... Oh my God.

0:27:15.5 S2: What was that? Micro

0:27:19.0 S1: Think we just hit some low damoda

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